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Advanced Electrical Installation

12 weeks
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
0 students

Course Overview

This course will enable participants to have advance knowledge of Electrical Installation. Topics include Illumination;
Protection; Transformers; Generators; Turbines; Testing; Uninterruptible Power Supply and Regulations.
Practical will include Switching, Trouble Shooting, and Termination. Upon completion, participants should have a better
understanding of electrical concepts and should be able to apply relevant regulation to their project.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand various types of lighting and their applications.
  2. Understand the codes and standards related to commercial wiring.
  3. Understand various types of power generating apparatus.
  4. Understand how to trouble shoot and solve electrical problem.
  5. Be able to break a switch leg and make various connections.
  6. Be able to use material and equipment in electrical installations.
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