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Financial Management

10 weeks
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
0 students

Financial Management:

This course will provide students with a a foundational understanding on how financial operations are managed within organizations. Students will be exposed to major concepts and analytical tools used in the theory and practice of financial management.


To edify learners with the knowledge of financial management principles including adoption of key financial strategies for investment decisions.


Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • Understand the financial environment in which firms and managers must operate.
  • Demonstrate the importance of working capital management and the tools to manage it.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the link between company decision-making and the operation of capital markets
  • Explain the role of finance in organizations.
  • Explain the principles of working capital management.
  • Use accounting techniques to forecast cash within an organization.
  • Allocate resources for both long term and short term investments.
  • Risk Management