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How to teach students to follow classroom procedures

According to Harry Wong there is one thing that assures an effectively run classroom. It is the opening assignment. The teacher needs to have the Agenda ready to implement: (1) Schedule- What will Occur, (2) Opening Assignment- What to do immediately , (3) Objectives- What will be learned.

The main requirements of the opening assignment is that the assignment is posted before students enter the classroom. The assignment needs to be located in the same location every day. The opening assignments that a teacher creates can easily be kept for future use in the next years of teaching. The established Procedures and Routines should maximize instructional time”.

The Bell ringer activity that a teacher provides students is important in that it defines the type of class and the mood of the class . Without a bell ringer activity teachers stand the chance of losing students focus and the precious instructional time. Once the students enter the classroom they are greeted and given an activity to begin to “warm up” to the lesson plan content that will be provided during the teaching segment. In my class a ell ringer activity can be as simple as defining academic terms that will be included during the learning segment.

Wong, Harry, Rosemary, The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher and New Teacher Induction.

Source: Dr. Christopher Chandler | Dean of Education